Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Learning to Walk Again

Today's surprises all had to do with my knee, the one I injured resulting in surgery. I found out at physical therapy that they would unlock my brace so that I don't have to keep my leg locked out straight at extension. I've been walking around with a peg-leg. All that's missing is the parrot and the eye patch. Today, though, unlocking the brace so that I can bend my knee while in it was a little scary. I hadn't really put much pressure on that leg since July 30. So hearing that I would be walking through on that leg, even if slowly, freaked me out a bit.

My physical therapist, who's awesome, literally showed me how to walk again. I've been walking for almost 44 years. I think I have the hang of it. Or do I? It was an unsteady feeling to begin walking, even slowly, on my gimpy leg. I'm getting the hang of it, but it's harder than it seems after an injury and surgery like what I've been through.

I even went grocery shopping all by myself and drove for the first time since the surgery today. The driving itself was so freeing, but being able to walk left me giddy with delight.

To top it off, I no longer have to sleep with the freakin' leg brace. WHOOOOOOOOOOP!

I'm far more appreciative now of my capabilities and have an even deeper respect for those who are limited physically or mentally.

It reminds me of that quote: "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting their own battles."

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