"We inherit our freedom, but now is the time to fight for it." ~"Red Dawn" (2012)This week, a couple of news stories depressed me a wee bit about the state of our United States.
Merriam-Webster defines patriotism as "love for or devotion to one's country."
Some of America's citizens now shun even children's patriotic ideas. (See "Administrators reverse ban on American celebration at Fort Collins, CO, high school") What kind of a country has America become where the idea of celebrating being an American IN AMERICA will offend others who live here but may be from another country?
And why would Coca Cola pick "America the Beautiful" to be sung in so many different languages? (Search for "America the Beautiful coke ad") I understand showing all kinds of images of our diverse population with a very American song such as "America the Beautiful" being sung in ENGLISH. What makes my blood boil is how Coke's ad actually causes divisiveness. What's even worse is that Coke, projecting an image of being for immigration, is sadly exploiting the topic of immigration to expand their market and make more money. It is about the bottom line for that very American company.
Even though my blood boils over with anger at these two news stories from this week, I'm tired of being so angry at the anti-patriotic sentiment. I don't think I even have much left to feel disgusted.
My feeling is sadness. Pure sadness. So, as soon as my supply of diet Coke runs out, I will no longer purchase anything from that company. I needed to cut back anyway.
Or maybe, after having a flag pole put into our front lawn, I'll watch Lonnie raise the United States of America's flag every morning. Over a bullhorn, we will say the "Pledge of Allegiance", too. And like Lloyd Dobler from "Say Anything", I'll hook up a "jam box" so large that the entire subdivision will hear "America the Beautiful" blaring out IN ENGLISH every morning. I'll be quenching my thirst with water, hot chocolate, diet Pepsi, or even mud. Anything would be better than a Coke.
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